Tuesday, May 25, 2010

top ten favorite things to do

  1. swimming
  2. basketball
  3. football
  4. baseball
  5. driving
  6. getting money
  7. working out
  8. hanging out with people
  9. listening to music
  10. exersizing

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Plans

my summer plans for this year are when summer vacation starts i'm going to visit my family in Tennessee for about two weeks. after that I'm just going to go to the pool almost everyday and chill there with my nephew that lives a few blocks down from my house. but other than that i am just going to cut my grass every weekend to pay back my mom. but mostly i am going to try to get a job any were that takes me, because i don't like always asking my mom for money. So my summer is going to be really packed with stuff.


Today i watched a video on how the meat is processed for Chipotle. I never realized how good the meat was. the way they make the meat is they have the pigs in a open field so its natural to the pigs, instead of having them all caged up and worried. and the animals at the farm were all veterinarians  and only ate grass when the other pigs at the other farms eat grass and get steroids in there foods and then there not happy pigs and then the meat is not at it's best. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brain cancer

There are two different types of cancer. one type is primary cancer and the other is metastatic. primary cancer is a tumor that starts in the brain and it can cause death by growing up too big, and having no more room in the skull. The other kind is metastatic which starts somewhere else in the body and works its way up to the brain. all cancerous tumors are life threatening because they tend to have a aggressive and tensive attitude.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Childhood Herozzzz

My childhood hero was my grandma because anytime i needed anything she has always bin there for me, and plus she is the best cook in the world. and when my family was in trouble, money wise, she would always be there to support us, and loan us some money to help pay off bills, and stuff like that.

American Idolzzzz

When Lee Dewyze came to forest view I wasn't very surprised because i didn't even know him personally, and i don't watch American idol so him coming to forest view didn't phase me at all. plus i hear that when he was in school he was a trouble maker, so when i heard that i thought it wasn't far how he got famous by just having a good voice.

In this assignment i was suppose  to make a list about the top ten things i would like to learn about. all the topics i have chose have something to do with me or something related to my life or something i want to do in my future. my list includes:

1. Weight Lifting
2. Brains (cancer)
3. Shrooms
4. Hip-Hop
7. European Foods
8. Huskies
9. Air Force
10. Navy

Everything in my list i have a little knowledge about and i can tell you atleast one fact about each of the categlories listed above.